It is no secret that Mitochondrial Disease has brought a lot
of trauma and suffering to our lives, the countless amounts of; hospital stays,
ER visits, painful procedures, medications and side effects, interventions,
adaptive equipment, medical supplies, doctor and therapy appointments, nursing
visits, friends we have lost, the list goes on.
What we don’t often talk about is the positivity that has
resulted because of the hand we have been dealt that we cannot change. The beautiful people who have entered our
world that we would have never met otherwise.
The hand in hand comradery, the touch that says I know how you feel,
without having to say a single word at all.
The close knit hearts, woven together, a stitch in time that began the
moment the words were uttered “I have mitochondrial disease too.”
This disease is cruel, it is destruction, it is heartache, but it is also the building blocks of positivity if you choose to find it. Would I change it if I could? I would send it straight back to the maker, but the truth is I honestly believe for whatever reason we were meant to carry this burden we were also meant to find some peace with it. I don’t know who we would be without it. I do know we would be a family without physical suffering, but we might also be a family without the absolute blessing of the beauty that surrounds us because of this disease as well.